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Wednesday, 23 September 2015

5 Ways To Deal With Difficult People

In life, there are one, two or maybe even three people that are just flat out difficult. 
There’s nothing that you can do to please these persons and when you go out of your way it’s not really appreciated. Sometimes it's quite unfortunate there’s no way to avoid acknowledging and interacting with these people. You’re bound to deal with them at work, at place of worship, service or perhaps even at the next family dinner. To keep yourself from going over the edge and in an effort to preserve your sanity, try these five ways to deal with difficult people and before you know it you’ll find that it’s a much easier task ........................

 1.  Get Out of Their Head

Often times when someone is bothersome, it’s common to try to analyze this person and figure out why they’re so difficult. Do yourself a favor and stop playing the mystery game. There is no for sure rhyme or reason why this individual is the way they are. In reality, there are a number of situations and occurrences that could have taken place to cause this person to be difficult. Instead of getting in their head and trying to solve the problem, live your life for your and take a detour from psychoanalyzing this difficult person. In the end, you’ll thank yourself because you will have not mentally exhausted your efforts for nothing.

2. Don’t Stoop to Their Level

Instead of stooping to their level look for reasons, in your life, that make you happy. Focus your energy on the positive people within your life and how they affect your being. When difficult people partake in petty actions and emotions opt to be the bigger person and find a way to make the best out of the situation. In many cases, difficult people like the attention and thrive off of the constant depressive nature. You’ll find that if you choose to ignore their negative actions that you’ll be less inclined to be drug down their endless road of unhappiness.

3. Kill Them With Kindness


Difficult people feel sorry for themselves enough for the entire world. So what should you do? Kill them with kindness. You don’t have to go out of your way and perform grand gestures however, if you choose to greet them with a smile they’ll be less inclined to come your way. The last thing a grumpy person wants is to be greeted with sunshine and happiness moreover, if you’re known to be relentlessly positive then odds are they’ll divert into the other direction.

4. Choose Your Battles Wisely

Most difficult people tend to always think it’s their way or the highway. When a debate comes into play, choose your battles wisely and do not allow yourself to become weighed down by someone else’s troubles. It’s important to always stay true to yourself and the beliefs that you hold however, it’s not necessary to impose those beliefs on others. Walk away or avoid highly controversial conversations that will result in a disagreement. Keep your conversations, with difficult people, simple and short. There is no need to get into a deep exchange when in reality you know it will not end well.

5.  Have a Buffer

Whether it is a friendly face or an appointment, always be equipped with a buffer. The great thing about a buffer is that it helps you divert from any serious interaction. In addition, you’ll find that a buffer will keep your mind focused on something else rather than being overwhelmed with a difficult person’s actions.


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