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Wednesday, 23 September 2015

6 Warning Signs You are Still Hung Up on Your Ex

I think it’s safe to say that everyone, at some point in their life, gets stuck on an ex. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the relationship was good or bad because regardless feelings are emotions that are hard to control. And sometimes it’s difficult to admit or identify that you’re not quite over your former love. Sound familiar or maybe you need some convincing – if so, check out these six warning signs you are still hung up on your ex.

"We" or "Us" it Still in Your Day-to-Day Vocabulary

If you were in a long term relationship it’s probably very difficult to identify yourself as a single person. However, if it’s been a while and you are still using the words “we” and “us” then it’s probably safe to say you’re not over your ex. It’s unhealthy to consider yourself a duo when you’re now flying solo. When you catch yourself identifying with “we” or “us”, stop and remind yourself why you’re strong. Make a list of the reasons why you rock as a solo act. Once you’ve adjusted to seeing yourself as an independent person who is strong you’ll find it easier to identify without your former partner.

Not So Random Meetings


Do you purposely go to a specific coffee shop because you secretly hope you’ll run into your ex? Or maybe you drive clear across town to a store your ex shops at, in hopes that you’ll have an accidental meeting? If you’re purposely going to various locations because of your ex then it’s safe to say you’re still hung up on your former lover. The only way to stop doing this is to stop cold turkey! Stop allowing yourself to drive to that store or opt to get coffee from a different café. You must take actions into your own hands if you want real results. Remember, you are the only person that can stop unhealthy habits like not so random meetings.

Social Media Stalking


Observing your ex on social media is not healthy. If you are constantly searching your ex on social media then you have a serious obsession that needs to stop. Keeping tabs of your ex via social media is considered to be a form of stalking. Moreover, the life you’re viewing on social media is not a 100% factual – remember people only post what they want others to see. To stop your social media stalking addiction, put in place blockers that prohibit you from curiously viewing your ex. In addition, you can also delete mutual friends that are not really your friends but are instead your ex’s acquaintances. Or you can just quit social media altogether. Sometimes ridding yourself from all social media outlets can prove to be very refreshing and provide you with a clear outlook.

You Have THE Box


We’ve all made one. It’s that box filled with your first movie ticket stub that you saw together, maybe the remnants of a thoughtful gift or perhaps a picture of the two of you on a special day. Once a relationship is over, the box should be trashed. There is no need to hold onto memories that are no longer part of your future. Holding onto the box will only keep you drowning in the past when you need to focus on the future and move forward. If you don’t have the emotional strength to get rid of the box yourself then you should have a friend destroy it for you.


Constant Comparison


If you find yourself constantly comparing your new dates to your ex then you’re hung up on your former relationship. Comparing your potential partners to your former partner keeps you stagnant in the past. You cannot move on if you’re not willing to let go of the one who is no longer there. Plus no date wants to hear about “the one who got away.” Practice having conversation with yourself or with friends that you trust. Use these practice sessions as a tool to reconstruct your conversations to be ex free.



Yes, there are some things that we may like such as that comfy sweater your ex use to wear or maybe fragrance that is comforting. However, the best thing to do is ditch anything that your ex left behind. Obviously I’m not referring to the toaster or can opener however, if there are possessions that you’re holding onto because you consider it to be the last piece of your ex then you need to let it go. There is no easy way to do this – you just have to be brave and throw the stuff out. In the end, you’ll thank yourself because you will no longer have a constant reminder of your ex within your surroundings.

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